The first All Parliamentary Mental Health Summit 2020 was jointly organized by Parliamentary Task Force on Sustainable Developmental Goals, Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning (PILL) and the University of Manchester at the Aiwan-e-Sadar and Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services, Islamabad. To our knowledge, this is the first such initiative across the globe. In 2015, Pakistan became one of the signatories who have recognized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); a plan for sustainable human development by the end of 2030. Mental health has been included in the Universal Health Coverage under SDG 3 which is an important step towards promoting mental health and well-being. Growing global evidence about mental disorders suggests that social factors are strongly related to mental health.

Mental Health Question Time was jointly organized by Parliamentary Task Force on Sustainable Developmental Goals, Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning (PILL) and the University of Manchester at the Pakistan National Council of Arts, Islamabad on 10 March 2020. The question time was attended by more than 100 people from the medical industry, parliament and the wider community. There was a huge interest from the audience and they asked questions on a variety of mental health problems ranging from pre-conception to older adults mental health. An expert panel with members from the UK, Canada, USA and Pakistan addressed the questions from participants during the session.